Research & Education
Asian Family Business Survey
The Asian Family Business Survey will gather a wide range of data from Filipino Family Business, specifically on the topic of stewardship. This database will significantly increase the knowledge and self-understanding of the Filipino Family firms. In addition, the database will allow BIRLA to contribute to the growing literature on family businesses, adding new insights on the various challenges and on the recent trends faced by family businesses within the region.
STEP Survey
BIRLA is partnering with Global STEP Project to launch a survey about the ‘Impact of changing demographics on succession and governance’ of Family Businesses.
To be updated by the BIRLA team.
Asian Family Business Case Competition
BIRLA organized the first Asian Family Business Case Competition (AFBCC) at AIM’s headquarters from 25 to 27 July 2018.
The case competition gathered students across Asia to analyze unique real-life family business issues and produce original, innovative, relevant, and practical solutions. A total of eight teams from Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia attended the competition.
Teacher Training Program on Family Business Management
Recognizing that many of the businesses in the country start out as, and sometimes continue to be, family-run, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has included the course Family Business Management, as one of the elective subjects that business schools can offer in the delivery of the Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship program.
Following this new program, BIRLA developed a two-day course: the Teacher’s Training Program, specially designed for educators in Family Business Management, lectured by Prof. Ginny Santiago. 14 teachers from eight schools across the country joined the training.

Santiago, A & Roxas, F. (2016). Green Cross and the Gonzales Co Story. The Case Journal. 22(3), 1-22. [ISSN: 1544-1906] doi:10.1108/TCJ-06-2015-0025
Santiago, A. (2016). Entitlement Mentality: Undertones in Unproductive Conflict in Family Business. Angelo King Institute Selected Essays on Entrepreneurship and Trade. (pp. 145-171. [ISBN 978-971-555-642-2]. Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Publishing House.
Santiago, A. & Roxas, F. (2016). Killer Bag on the Loose. The Case Centre. 716-0042-1.
Santiago, A. (2017). Living the Shell Core Values. In D. Halkias, J. Santora, & P. Thurman (Eds.), Leadership and Change Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, (pp. 96-102). [ISBN 9781317107057]. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Santiago, A. (2017). Another look at demand-side digital piracy. DLSU Business and Economics Review, 26(2), 159-173. [ISSN 0116-7111].
Roxas, F. & Santiago, A. (2018). Smokey Tours: The other side of Manila. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 7(5). [ISSN 2045-0621] Doi: 10.1108/EEMCS-06-2017-0116.
Santiago, A. (2018). Taming My Father. SAGE Business Cases. ISBN 9781526411242. doi:10.4135/9781526437983.
Santiago, A. (2018). Trevor Family-Business Compensation Framework: Is it fair?. SAGE Business Cases. ISBN 9781526411242. doi: 10.4135/9781526444950
Santiago, A. (2018). Next Generation Succession: Take Over or Leave VDC Dairy Farm. SAGE Business Cases. [ISBN 9781526411242]. In press.
Santiago, A. (2018). Balancing Family and Business Outcomes: The Case of the Controversial Niece. SAGE Business Cases. [ISBN 9781526411242]. In press.